Request Google Play promo code

Since you already have PPSSPP Gold for Windows and macOS, you are eligible to request one Google Play promo code, which can be redeemed for PPSSPP Gold for Android free on any Google Play account.

IMPORTANT! Only request one if you are going to use it!

Note: If you have requested a code before, you'll get the same one again, which might thus already be spent.

If you forgot your password, type your e-mail address in the box below (make sure it's right!)


Redeeming the code

How to redeem Google Play promo codes

PPSSPP Gold – Cross License

Do you have PPSSPP Gold for Windows/macOS, but want it for Android?

If so, just login here and follow the instructions!

Do you have PPSSPP Gold for Android or iOS, but want it for Windows?

Then please send an e-mail to [email protected], attaching your Google Play receipt. I try to handle all requests within 72 hours, often faster.