Command Line arguments

PPSSPP has a bunch of command line arguments, that are not documented very well elsewhere, so let's do it here.

Some arguments, like the window management ones, have no effect on mobile or other non-desktop devices, of course.

How to run PPSSPP with command line arguments on Android

This can be useful from launchers and similar. Here's an example ADB command line, that causes PPSSPP to run in a mode where it exits directly from the pause menu:

adb shell am start -n org.ppsspp.ppsspp/org.ppsspp.ppsspp.PpssppActivity --es org.ppsspp.ppsspp.Args "--pause-menu-exit"`

General arguments


Sets the log level to debug


Sets the log level to verbose

-j, -i, -r, -J

Sets the CPU backend to JIT, Interpreter, IR Interpreter or JIT IR, respectively.


The "Exit to menu" choice on the pause menu is changed to just "Exit". This is most useful for frontends that also pass a file to launch.


The escape key (or whatever key you have mapped to pause) will exit the emulator immediately.


Forces full screen mode, ignoring saved configuration.


Forces windowed mode, ignoring saved configuration.

Development arguments

These are a bit esoteric and not that useful for end users.


Go directly to settings.


Go directly to the touchscreentest screen


Merge a different config file into the current configuration.