Some steps to try if you have problems with your gamepad, joystick or touch controls.
Things to check:
The God of War games have a few events where you need to rotate the stick a few full laps. Doing that on the touchscreen, or especially with keyboard inputs, can be a little tricky but there's another way.
IMPORTANT: Before doing the below, check that you have disabled Frameskipping on the Graphics tab in settings - this can interfere with the move. This might make it possible for you to perform the move without issue.
Anyway, here are the steps to enable doing it the easy way:
If you are using a controller, just map two buttons to "Rotate Analog (CW)" and CCW. CW refers to clockwise, CCW to counter-clockwise. Then press and hold the mapped buttons to rotate the stick.
If you are using only touchscreen, try this:
Edit touch control layout...
screen, and place them on the touchscreen somewhere.This is a common issue that appears to be because of a bug in Android itself.
Here's the issue on Android Buganizer.
Still not much of a resolution.
It's known that disabling various accessibility settings can fix it, such as:
It can also be that input comes on unexpected "axis". Go to the control mapping screen and re-map your stick and d-pad to make sure they're right.
Also try rebooting the phone, it can't hurt.