May 30: Taken down
On May 30 I received a complaint from Apple that some games in the built-in Homebrew Store were violating someone's copyright somehow, no details. I don't know or believe that any of them are actually in violation (they are all free to distribute), but I took most of them down for now. I hope Apple will let PPSSPP back in the App Store soon.
For some reason, PPSSPP Gold wasn't affected by the takedown, even though it has an identical homebrew store built-in.
June 1: New builds submitted for review
I have submitted new builds of both PPSSPP and PPSSPP Gold to the App Store for review, hopefully this will trigger Apple into action.
Upcoming improvements:
- Metal/Vulkan-based rendering through MoltenVK, for better performance
- Swipe from left edge to go back
- Much improved UI text rendering
- Many bug and crash fixes
- Support for RetroAchievements
- And more!
Now, we wait for Apple.